Success can be understood in so many different ways.The term is used widely by book authors in the field of personal development and a lot in education when passing exams or simply filling out an online application for a merchant account: "Success" informs us about a process which has been positively confirmed. In personal life success is only measurable if we have goals to compare it to. You cannot determine any success without first having set up any goals. Goal setting is one of the basic tasks when operating a homebased business for example. Short term goals or long term goals, idealistic or economic, every goal once it is achieved, is a success. What does a successful person look like? Do you imagine someone with an expensive, fast car with a Rolex watch? Do you think about a sportsperson winning a gold medal? A great contributor to humanity, such as Ghandi? Or do you imagine a person who is merely happy? See the importance of your definition of success? Once somebody has achieved his goals and still has no feeling of fulfillment whatsoever, probably has not defined HIS success in a proper way. Looking at the environment and the multiple possibilities we are influenced by, (parents, teachers, peers, church,advertisements,television, movies)it may be clear that it is no easy job to find out what exactly success means to YOU or in other words: What is it that makes YOU happy? It´s good and helpful to have a vision. Let´s say your vision is that you´re fed up with your 9 to 5 job and you want to start a homebased business of your own. Of course, you want it to be successful. But what does this success look like for you? Is it extra income so that you can go on an extra holiday every year? Do you want it to bring you a full time income so you can leave your current job? Or do you want to be another Matt Morris of Success University and make millions? Which of these definitions means the most to you? A vision describes the result, the big picture and keeps us moving towards our goals. The vision is the motivation and the goals help us to get things done every single day. While we are aiming for the stars, we also need to look around us and see where we are successful every day.To find your own success definitions, ask yourself the following: What is important to you? Write a list of your important values such as integrity, humour, family or freedom and make sure your goals fit in with these. When did you last feel happy and proud of yourself? What were you doing, or what had you achieved? If you want success in life there are many resources, such as life coaching, or online websites such as Success University. But first you need to define success on your own terms. Once you have done that, you take action to achieve it, and achieve it daily.
By Ingrid Grzeskowiak