This year 2008 is a presidential election year. There are two main political groups Republican and Democrat. Our two candidates this year are John McCain who is a Republican and Barack Obama who is a Democrat. When you turn eighteen you can register to vote which is a good thing. Our country is a democracy and some other countries aren’t able to vote. If you do decide to register to vote you should always make sure that you watch the news. That way you can learn about the candidates and make sure that you know that they really want to help our country. You can also read the newspaper or watch or go to one of their speeches. If you think you like one of the candidates make sure you go over the pros and cons to make sure that person is the right person for office. We need people to vote so we can get someone good into office. Even if you are not old enough to vote, it’s not too early to learn about the political process or about the candidates and the issues they support. So remember when you turn eighteen you can consider voting.
Even though I am not old enough to vote this year if I did I would vote for Barack Obama. Some reasons that I want him to win are he wants to bring the troop out of Iraq and he wants all children to get a good education no matter the race, class, or background. There are more reasons that I like him and the list could go on and on. That is why I really like what he wants to do to help our country.
By: Ashleigh Griffin