The old saying goes “It takes two to tango” could not be truer today. Relationships survive when two people both pull in the same direction, working together in harmony. A one sided relationship is bound to fail. Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference
1. Make sure the time you spend together is quality time. You can each have your own space, but plan on setting aside some time each week to do things together. Set up some ground rules from the start. make a plan and stick to the plan.
2. Make a compromise at the onset of the relationship, you’ll watch the big game with him on Sunday but he has to watch a movie with you on Saturday night. Stay flexible and offer a little give and take.
3. When you first fall in love, in your own mind, the other person is entirely void of defects. Don’t lose that all important feeling. The same defects will still be there years from now, always remember, the person you originally fell in love with. Don’t try to make them into something that wasn’t there in the beginning.
4. Couples battle over many things during their time together. The biggest argument producer of all is family finances. Rest assured you are not alone in your situation, even millionaires have financial problems. Work out a budget from the onset and stick to it. Build a little family time into it. Popcorn and a movie at home will save a whole lot more money than a trip to the local movie house.
5. Arguments are a part of every relationship, it’s how you handle them that is the key. Name calling can form a lasting hurt and may come back to haunt you. My mate and I resolved years ago to never go to bed angry insuring that we would never wake up angry. Most arguments are petty in nature and can wreak havoc on relationships.
6. Keep the lines of communication open at all times. Don’t just hear what your partner is saying. LISTEN to what is being said. Keep your emotions in check and weigh both side of the argument.
7. Make it a point from the beginning, you need time alone and they in turn get theirs. Relationships can be choked to death by one partner clinging to and not allowing the other a little space of their own. Happy balances can be easily attained.