Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Inspirational Words for Ministers & Pastors-


Amos 3:7 (amp) Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets. No mater how bright the day, or dark the night, always be open to allow God to reveal His will for your future to you.

NOTHING HAPPENS until He reveals it.

1 ) What scriptures motivate you in your leadership role?
Exodus 13:14 KJV. Leading so that our children and the generations to follow will have a better day, and if they ask why, we can say, “By strength of hand the Lord brought us out…”. Nehemiah 4:6 The PEOPLE must have a mind to work! Lastly, Matt 16:18 because we are connected to something greater than us or what we try to do for others. It’s all about His church that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

2) How should Ministers/Pastors keep balance in their life?

Outlet: have fun, lose yourself in worship, do something good for yourself, family and others. Always try new things.

Income: Always have money, ideas, new people, and dreams and visions (revelations) “coming in”.

Reset: never be afraid to push the reset button and start all over again. Even if its on the same old project. Sometimes hitting that reset button is the only way to get unstuck, to be able to move ahead.

These three little words (in action) will surprisingly bring about great balance in your life, ability to love and your future.

3) What is an inspiring quote that you have heard/read recently?
“Some people change when they see the light, others change when they feel the heat.” Carol Schrader

By Bishop Joel V. Brown

Saturday, August 08, 2009

ICM Career Fair-Friday, August 14th

Friday, August 14, 2009

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Marriott West Grand Ballroom

Glen Allen, VA

International Christian Ministries Career Fair sponsored by Entrusted Connections Ministry featuring the United States Small Business Administration, the Virginia Employment Commission, the United States Navy and several other organizations. This is designed to assist the attendees of Convocation as well as the community at large in creating and maintaining career goals and objectives.

The U.S. SBA will provide information on how to start a business and other related information. The VEC will provide information relative to the services they provide such as job assistance, unemployment insurance assistance and other related information. The U. S. Navy will provide information on recruitment and career opportunities.
This is free to everyone that would like to attend!

2009 Success- Small Business Symposium: 8/10

Congressman Bobby Scott
2009 “SUCCESS”
Small Business Symposium

On August 10, 2009, Congressman Bobby Scott will partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration to conduct a "SUCCESS" Small Business Symposium. The symposium will focus on topics that will assist small businesses to survive in this tough economic climate. This is a FREE symposium and you are invited to attend. The program begins at 8:30 am and ends at 1:00 pm.

The first segment of the symposium features Mary Grate-Pyos an exciting motivational speaker.

The second segment consists of six (6) workshops regarding: Developing a Business Plan, 7 Essential Behaviors for Getting Things Done-The Building Blocks of Execution, Legal Issues Facing Small Business, How to Market Your Business and Stay in Business, Small Business Certification and Funding Resources for your Big Idea.
The purpose of the symposium is to develop, maintain and strengthen the nation's economy by aiding, counseling, assisting and protecting the interests of small businesses. This educational and resource partnership between Congressman Scott and the the U.S. Small Business Administration is an effort to support businesses that can benefit from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. You can register for either Symposium by return email or by calling James Williams at: (804) 771-2400 ext. 123 or by calling Congressman Scott's Newport News Office at: 757-380-1000. Invite a friend to this important and informative event.
Provide the Name, Address, Telephone Number and Email address for each person attending.

August 10, 2009 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Richmond)

Imani Intergenerational Center
1501 Decatur Street
Richmond, VA 23224

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Dr. Cindy Trimm is coming to Richmond, VA! ICM Holy Convocation- 8/13- 8/15

Mark your calenders for the 17th Annual Holy Convocation of International Christian Ministries, INC: August 13, 2009- August 15, 2009. Visit for more information!

Our Thursday night speaker is Dr. Cindy Trimm.

Hear an interview with Dr. Trimm on "The Sharvette Mitchell Radio Show". Click here to listen.

Saturday, May 09, 2009


To: Mothers All Over the World…
Step Proudly Into Your Destiny
By, Chief Apostle Olive C. Brown

We would like to give a round of applause to all mothers, because we celebrate Mother’s Day, May 10, 2009. We congratulate and pay tribute to those who have been blessed with this gift of motherhood.

As a mother, one must be willing to step out into the unknown. Destiny calls, beckons, waves and even whispers, “launch out into the deep.” You must realize beyond any shadow of doubt, the power of God is always present to help bring those desires into fruition.

Isaiah 40:29 and 30, says, “He gives power to those who are tired and worn out, he offers strength… Those who wait on the Lord will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (NLT)

Step Into Destiny without hesitation or insecurity. Come on; embrace the weight of the Almighty. All fear must go. There must be no residue of pessimism or distrust in the Creator. Believe in His awesome magnitude of influence for your life.

This year, in spite of the unconstructive statements, there will be an explosion of blessings. The divine inspirations and revelations that will come to you quickly are without boundary. Entertain no plans of giving up or throwing in the towel.

Please consider how, God desires to take His Super and place it upon your natural. This will catapult your Destiny in regions never experienced on this wise.

Mediocrity and status–quo will never lead you in the direction of influence the Almighty has promised you. Therefore, lift up your head and rise to those things never experienced. They were positioned in your belly (spirit) for this season. Capture the visions and dreams you may have let go. Nothing is impossible to those who dare believe. (Luke 1: 37)

At one point, you may have become exhausted, frustrated, or even depressed – but I speak hope and a “spanking new” motivation to step back into position. Now, reposition yourself again, Go on and pull down the greater that is now found in you. Take steps, take risks and search for the opportunities, to innovate, grow and improve.

The promises of God are without a stamp of limitation to gender, economic status or even geographical location. They are just as fresh and potent as previously given years ago. It’s yours… just receive and STEP INTO YOUR DESTINY.

We speak divine faith and victory over your life. May you be blessed beyond measures!
O.C. Brown Ministries International

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Share your testimony!

God is giving us great unheard of success! Share your success story, testimony or words of encouragement!

Your post can be anonymous!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Tips for a great relationship!

The old saying goes “It takes two to tango” could not be truer today. Relationships survive when two people both pull in the same direction, working together in harmony. A one sided relationship is bound to fail. Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference

1. Make sure the time you spend together is quality time. You can each have your own space, but plan on setting aside some time each week to do things together. Set up some ground rules from the start. make a plan and stick to the plan.

2. Make a compromise at the onset of the relationship, you’ll watch the big game with him on Sunday but he has to watch a movie with you on Saturday night. Stay flexible and offer a little give and take.

3. When you first fall in love, in your own mind, the other person is entirely void of defects. Don’t lose that all important feeling. The same defects will still be there years from now, always remember, the person you originally fell in love with. Don’t try to make them into something that wasn’t there in the beginning.

4. Couples battle over many things during their time together. The biggest argument producer of all is family finances. Rest assured you are not alone in your situation, even millionaires have financial problems. Work out a budget from the onset and stick to it. Build a little family time into it. Popcorn and a movie at home will save a whole lot more money than a trip to the local movie house.

5. Arguments are a part of every relationship, it’s how you handle them that is the key. Name calling can form a lasting hurt and may come back to haunt you. My mate and I resolved years ago to never go to bed angry insuring that we would never wake up angry. Most arguments are petty in nature and can wreak havoc on relationships.

6. Keep the lines of communication open at all times. Don’t just hear what your partner is saying. LISTEN to what is being said. Keep your emotions in check and weigh both side of the argument.

7. Make it a point from the beginning, you need time alone and they in turn get theirs. Relationships can be choked to death by one partner clinging to and not allowing the other a little space of their own. Happy balances can be easily attained.