Thursday, October 21, 2010

"My Family" by Taylor aka ~Angel~

Having a family is GREAT! My family is awesome because they always make me laugh. When I am not feeling well or not happy they will cheer me up. The people in my family I think are funny is Phillip my cousin, Ry Ry, Bethany, Brittany and my Mom. We have so much fun hanging out together. I feel so sorry for the kids that are out there in the world without a family or clothes. I am so lucky that I have a family that loves me and is funny. Sometimes we may fuss and disagree but in a real HOT second we are cool again. I just feel so safe because of my family I'm especially glad to have my three big brothers (Micah, CJ and my favorite brother Da'Vaughn). Da'Vaughn makes the whole family laugh. Family is important to me and I am thankful for the love and support they give me. I am so blessed and I thank God for my family and friends.

You know, having a family is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Shout out to Taylor, NJICM Youth Blogger!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to School!

Whether you are going to Elementary School, Middle School, High School or College you have an exciting year ahead. What do you look forward to?

What did you do this summer?

Tell us what you did this summer...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Slam Dunk Basketball Game:: Saturday, April 24th

Click image to enlarge!Support the NJICM Youth of Destiny!
11:00 a.m. ti 2:00 p.m,
Can you hoop it up?

Pancake Breakfast :: Saturday, April 24th

Click image to enlarge! Support the NJICM Youth of Destiny!
Come on...You know you want some Pancakes!