Sunday, June 11, 2006

Should Christians date Non-Christians?


Anonymous said...

I think that this varies per person. I also think that it has to do with where you are in your life.

Anonymous said...

If they took the time to be introduced to you, you should take the time and introduce them to Jesus (special enfaces on TAKE THE TIME). God is patient with us. We should be patient with others in there search for spiritual enlightenment. If they refuse Him, you should refuse them. I guess what I am trying to say is, be a soul winner first and a mate seeker second.

Anonymous said...

The Bible is very explicit in Christians and/or persons of faith not being unequally yoked with unbelievers(2Cr 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?) This is sound advice as it will guard your heart from being broken and life from being filled with strife; if you are called to minister to the lost (we all are) then you should not have an objective of "dating" this individual. Rather their lost soul should be more important than your "urge to merge." Further, if the Christian wants to date the unsaved, I would think that he/she is not willing to live up to the life in Christ that he/she is is better to be alone than to hinder to a lost soul's salvation. You compromise them coming to Christ when you live a carnal life before the unsaved...Selah.

Anonymous said...

What about the ones who are married, in the church, but live at home with "Randolph"? The ones who are on fire for God and are praying that their loved ones get saved also. i'm pretty sure that there have been many instances in which either person in the relationshp was saved and the other one wasn't. but the saved one was praying for their salvation. maybe by being the "light" in the relationship, you would outshine the darkness that could/ would be in the relationship, causing either both of yall to shine together, or the other shine by themsleves.

Anonymous said...

In regard to a married couple and not "Christians dating Non-Christians",The Apostle Paul addresses this very issues in I Cor 7; verses 9-17 and here the Apostle directs a saved husband or wife to remain married if their spouse desires to remain married to a saved spouse, but if t hat spouse does not want to remain married to a saved person that they are free to go. In other chapters Paul talks about how to continue to win the unsaved spouse by love and showing forth the love of Christ to win the spouse. For many saved married people who are married to unsaved, this is where things can get a little hard for them because of the delicate nature of marriage and winning a lost soul, it is the saved person's responsibility to live the life of Christ with their mate; far too many people fail to do this because they get into contention, or get discouraged when the unsaved person they married is still unwilling to be saved or give up their vices. But with God all things are possible. But we must do our part in the work that God has assigned to us.

Anonymous said...

Sharvette, I know NJICM is very proud of the work you do. Along with your busy schedule... you make the ministry look soooo good. Do you think you can clone yourself in order that ministries all over the world could have dedicated people like you. (smile) (Well, forget the clone part).

Your Pastor must be proud.
God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Sharvette This is Great!!!! Kudos and Shot outs to the Youth of NJICM!!!!! Much Luv
Min Perry Evans

Anonymous said...

This is a personal have to live with your decision. This will not send you to just pray for guidence.

Anonymous said...

well, anonymous has said " This is a personal have to live with your decision. This will not send you to just pray for guidence."

I beg to differ. God will not bless a mess; God and His Word are not in opposition to each other. His Word says that two must be in agreement if they walk together. How can something good come out of two not walking together?

As believers we must be true to our first love. Our hearts and minds have to give way to God if we want the God kind of blessings. This may be a "good thing" but is it a God thing?

And don't let your good thing make you lose your God thing? You can't serve God and your flesh.

Yielding to God's will and His way many times mean that we must say NO to our flesh. Let's be honest, if you say yes to God then you should have already said no to your flesh. A double minded man is unstable in all of his ways....we can't walk on both sides of the fence. Either you are in this walk with the LORD or not. You just can't have it your way. This is not Burger King.

Why take a chance in missing your destiny in God just to have a fleeting relationship? Would God give you something that will take you away from Him?

The blessings of the Lord is to make one rich and He addeth no sorrow to it. Being in a relationship with an unbeliever will definetly lead to sorrow.

What does light and darkness have in common? Chose ye this day.

Anointed One

nish said...

As a single woman, I think dating someone who is not a believer is nearly impossible. They can’t understand or relate to my constant joy in knowing the Lord loves me! They don’t understand what moves and motivates me, basically what makes me who I am. Also, they seem less understanding of the fact that I chose to wait until marriage before having a physical relationship. I believe that the man God want me to be with will uphold His word (all of it, not just the easy part :). If my husband is to be the leader of my house, I must trust him to know the way. Jesus is the way.

Anonymous said...


You have said an all too important truth so poignantly.

Glory to God as the husband should and must lead and it is extremely hard to switch positions if you start out leading your husband

Anonymous said...
