Are you wishing for your circumstances to change? Have you been praying and believing, but do not see any change whatsoever, and are wondering what gives?You may be wondering how when some people pray, everything they ask for seems to turn around for them. So, then how come it’s not working for you? I asked myself that question one day. God’s answer was simple: “Turn to Me.” That got me thinking, and I meditated on what exactly it was that He wanted me to do. I set aside more time than usual to meditate on the Word, praise Him, and express gratitude for all the things He had already pulled me through. I soon realized that I needed to turn away from my circumstances. What I had been doing was praying fervently, all the while looking to see if the condition was changing before my very eyes. My whole focus had been on the gift; not the Giver.I discovered that God wants you to put your full attention on Him. In fact, despite the turmoil that may be around you, he wants you to praise and thank Him. Your decision to completely turn your back on the circumstances and put your focus completely on Him then becomes the turning point where God can make His presence known to you.He is the God of turning points. He left the glory of heaven so that you can have eternal life with Him. He took on a human body in order to identify with you, and glorified it through His resurrection. Jesus regularly turned away from the crowds into a quiet place to commune with the Father. The first thing He required of you when you accepted Him as your Savior was to repent, or make a complete u-turn from your former lifestyle. You alone had to make that decision. When you are in a crisis, likewise it is good to turn fully to Him and reaffirm that He is Lord of your life.God knew your circumstances long before you asked Him for help. He is waiting for you to draw closer to Him, tell Him how much you love Him, and relinquish all your fears, pain and confusion to Him. As you do that, His Peace will engulf you. Gradually your faith will soar to the point that you know that He will come through in His time and in whatever way He deems best for His purpose to be fulfilled in you. “All things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Rom. 8:28)No matter what circumstances you are facing right now, there will be a time in the future where you will look back and see the hand of God in them. Although you cannot see it right now, the experience you’re going through will become a testimony to God’s goodness and a basis for ministry to others. Trials will help mature, humble, strengthen the faith, and eventually equip you to support others going through similar circumstances.Jesus came to turn things around for those who mourn. He came to give them: “Beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified.” (Isa. 61: 3)He himself was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. Yet it was He who bore your grief and carried your sorrow. (Isa. 54: 3-5)I encourage you not to look on your circumstances and be concerned when nothing seems to be happening. Turn your back to them and enjoy the presence of the Lord. That is your turning point. Your circumstances will soon seem less crucial as you sense the presence of His grace alleviate every difficult step along the way.
Source: http://www.articlecircle.com/
1 comment:
Dear Pastor Tony Alamo,
Bert and I send our sincerest prayers and respect to you. We cease not to give thanks for the salvation we have received and the gospel we have learned in this ministry.
My children are gone and they won’t tell me where they are or if they are together. I’ve been told that if I don’t do everything they say, even things that will make me angry and upset, that I will never have my kids again. They want us to leave, if we ever hope to get our kids.
My God is greater and we would never, ever give up now. I love my babies more than anything, but I would never deny God. I would rather lose my life here and gain it in Heavenly eternity.
Sir, they ripped Cory and Rosy out of my arms. We were all screaming and crying. I can’t express the anguish I am in. My two babies have never been away from me! None of my kids have ever been hurt in any way! They are treated like the Lord here. How can I express to the world the depths, the breadth, the lengths to which I care for my child and believe that we are in the right place to raise our children?
We, Bert and I, have only felt a small part of the suffering that Jesus endured. We count it all joy!
My dream came true. The tornadoes are hitting us at this moment and only in prayer will we survive.
Sir, all the brethren are helping, strengthening and encouraging me. When I need someone to remind me the reason we are fighting— Sharon has been there for me. I love her so much. She has been kind. All the sisters help me and pick me up when the grief is so heavy that I can’t stand up. I literally collapsed at the court house. I called Bert and he said, “It’s too late. They (the police) have us.” Oh, how my heart broke.
I know what they want to do to my kids. The kids know too. Please pray for them. Ava just turned 7 and her presents are still sitting on her bed. She didn’t get to play with them. Cory was taken without his shoes. Annie Belle was taken without her coat. Rosy is a nursed baby. All these people were just standing around staring at us with the most blank looks on their faces while I and my kids wailed for each other.
These people cackled at us and gave each other high fives. There were at least 20 cop cars, undercover cars, state troopers, DHS vehicles, helicopters—were my innocent children the cause of all this? No, we know why this is happening. Today is the final day for the hearings for Vanessa and Angela.
I will be there. I have been fasting since Sunday and truly my tears have been my meat. We are in God’s Mighty Hand!
Praise the Lord for Salvation,
Sister Miriam Krantz
This letter was actually written three days after the children were kidnapped
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